Class ObjectClassRunner

    • Constructor Detail

      • ObjectClassRunner

        public ObjectClassRunner()
    • Method Detail

      • testContract

        public void testContract​(ObjectClass objectClass)
        Main contract test entry point, it calls #testRun() method in configured number of iterations, runs the iteration only if the operation is supported by the connector
      • testRun

        protected abstract void testRun​(ObjectClass objectClass)
        This method will be called configured number of times
      • objectClasses

        protected static Stream<org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments> objectClasses()
        Return all the base ObjectClasss.
      • getSchema

        public Schema getSchema()
        Need a schema
      • getTestName

        public abstract String getTestName()
        Gets Test name
        Test Name
      • isObjectClassSupported

        public boolean isObjectClassSupported​(ObjectClass objectClass)
        Identifier which tells if the tested ObjectClass (get by ObjectClassRunner#objectClass is supported by connector or not, supported means that the ObjectClass is included in the Schema