Class OperationOptions

  • public final class OperationOptions
    extends Object
    Arbitrary options to be passed into various operations. This serves as a catch-all for extra options.
    • Field Detail

      • OP_RUN_AS_USER

        public static final String OP_RUN_AS_USER
        An option to use with ScriptOnResourceApiOp and possibly others that specifies an account under which to execute the script/operation. The specified account will appear to have performed any action that the script/operation performs.

        Check the javadoc for a particular connector to see whether that connector supports this option.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String OP_ATTRIBUTES_TO_GET
        Determines which attributes to retrieve during SearchApiOp and SyncApiOp.

        This option overrides the default behavior, which is for the connector to return exactly the set of attributes that are identified as returned by default in the schema for that connector.

        This option allows a client application to request additional attributes that would not otherwise not be returned (generally because such attributes are more expensive for a connector to fetch and to format) and/or to request only a subset of the attributes that would normally be returned.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String OP_RETURN_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES
        If set to true the connector will return all the attributes that are returned by default. If ATTRS_TO_GET option was also specified, it will be understood as additional attributes to return on top of all the default attributes. If set to false (or not present) then only the attributes specified by ATTRS_TO_GET will be returned. If neither ATTRS_TO_GET nor RETURN_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES is present then only the default attributes will be returned.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String OP_ALLOW_PARTIAL_RESULTS
        An option to use with SearchApiOp which specifies that the search operation may return only a reasonable subset of the results (objects). If this option is specified then the connector is free to sacrifice completeness in favor of performance. In this case the server size limits and short-cuts may be used to get a better operation performance. Even if this option is specified the connector must set the allResultsReturned flag in SearchResult in case that partial results were returned.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String OP_ALLOW_PARTIAL_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES
        An option to use with SearchApiOp which specifies that the search operation may return objects with partial attribute values. E.g. it may result group object with only a partial list of members (or no member list at all). This allows for a more efficient searches in cases, that the search result is only meant to be displayed in the user interface table. Composing the list of all the members of a big groups may be significant overhead and this option allows to reduce that overhead. Even if this option is specified the connector must set the attributeValueCompleteness status in Attribute in case that partial attribute values were returned. Please note that the connector may return incomplete attributes even if this flag is NOT set. E.g. in case that the connector knows that the password is set but it cannot reveal its value.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String OP_PAGED_RESULTS_COOKIE
        An option to use with SearchApiOp that specifies an opaque cookie which is used by the connector to track its position in the set of query results.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String OP_PAGED_RESULTS_OFFSET
        An option to use with SearchApiOp that specifies the index within the result set of the first result which should be returned.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • OperationOptions

        public OperationOptions​(Map<String,​Object> operationOptions)
        Public only for serialization; please use OperationOptionsBuilder.
        operationOptions - The options.
    • Method Detail

      • getOptions

        public Map<String,​Object> getOptions()
        Returns a map of options. Each value in the map must be of a type that the framework can serialize. See ObjectSerializerFactory for a list of supported types.
        A map of options.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Add basic debugging of internal data.
        toString in class Object
      • getScope

        public String getScope()
        Convenience method that returns OP_SCOPE.
        The value for OP_SCOPE.
      • getAttributesToGet

        public String[] getAttributesToGet()
        Get the string array of attribute names to return in the object.
      • getReturnDefaultAttributes

        public Boolean getReturnDefaultAttributes()
        Returns the flag indicating whether to return the default attributes on top of those specified by OP_ATTRIBUTES_TO_GET.
      • getRunAsUser

        public String getRunAsUser()
        Get the account to run the operation as..
      • getRunWithPassword

        public GuardedString getRunWithPassword()
        Get the password to run the operation as..
      • getAllowPartialResults

        public Boolean getAllowPartialResults()
        Returns a flag which specifies that the search operation may return only a reasonable subset of the results. If this option is specified then the connector is free to sacrifice completeness in favor of performance. In this case the server size limits and short-cuts may be used to get a better operation performance. Even if this option is specified the connector must set the allResultsReturned flag in SearchResult in case that partial results were returned.
        flag which specifies that the search operation may return only a reasonable part of the results.
      • getAllowPartialAttributeValues

        public Boolean getAllowPartialAttributeValues()
        Returns a flag which specifies that the search operation may return objects with partial attribute values. E.g. it may result group object with only a partial list of members (or no member list at all). This allows for a more efficient searches in cases, that the search result is only meant to be displayed in the user interface table. Composing the list of all the members of a big groups may be significant overhead and this option allows to reduce that overhead. Even if this option is specified the connector must set the attributeValueCompleteness status in Attribute in case that partial attribute values were returned. Please note that the connector may return incomplete attributes even if this flag is NOT set. E.g. in case that the connector knows that the password is set but it cannot reveal its value.
        flag which specifies that the search operation may return return objects with partial attribute values.
      • getPagedResultsCookie

        public String getPagedResultsCookie()
        Returns the opaque cookie which is used by the Connector to track its position in the set of query results. Paged results will be enabled if and only if the page size is non-zero.

        The cookie must be null in the initial search request sent by the client. For subsequent search requests the client must include the cookie returned with the previous search result, until the resource provider returns a null cookie indicating that the final page of results has been returned.

        The opaque cookie which is used by the Connector to track its position in the set of search results, or null if paged results are not requested (when the page size is 0), or if the first page of results is being requested (when the page size is non-zero).
        See Also:
        getPageSize(), getPagedResultsOffset()
      • getPagedResultsOffset

        public Integer getPagedResultsOffset()
        Returns the index within the result set of the first result which should be returned. Paged results will be enabled if and only if the page size is non-zero. If the parameter is not present or a value less than 1 is specified then the page following the previous page returned will be returned. A value equal to or greater than 1 indicates that a specific page should be returned starting from the position specified.
        The index within the result set of the first result which should be returned.
        See Also:
        getPageSize(), getPagedResultsCookie()
      • getPageSize

        public Integer getPageSize()
        Returns the requested page results page size or 0 if paged results are not required. For all paged result requests other than the initial request, a cookie should be provided with the search request. See getPagedResultsCookie() for more information.
        The requested page results page size or 0 if paged results are not required.
        See Also:
        getPagedResultsCookie(), getPagedResultsOffset()
      • getSortKeys

        public SortKey[] getSortKeys()
        Returns the sort keys which should be used for ordering the ConnectorObjects returned by this search request.
        The sort keys which should be used for ordering the ConnectorObjects returned by this search request (never null).