Class ContractTestBase

    • Constructor Detail

      • ContractTestBase

        public ContractTestBase()
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init()
        Initialize the environment needed to run the test. Called once per test method (@Before).
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Dispose the test environment, do the cleanup. Called once per test method (@After).
      • getAPIOperations

        public abstract Set<Class<? extends APIOperation>> getAPIOperations()
        Ask the subclasses for the APIOperation. Method returns set of required API operations that are prerequisites for running certain contract test.
      • getOperationOptionsByOp

        public OperationOptions getOperationOptionsByOp​(ObjectClass objectClass,
                                                        Class<? extends APIOperation> clazz)
        Gets OperationOptions suitable for specified operation. Should be used in all tests requiring OperationOptions unless it's special case.