Class ObjectClass

  • public final class ObjectClass
    extends Object
    An instance of ObjectClass specifies a category or type of ConnectorObject. This class predefines some common object-classes, such as ACCOUNT and GROUP.
    Will Droste
    • Field Detail

      • ACCOUNT

        public static final ObjectClass ACCOUNT
        Represents a human being in the context of a specific system or application.

        When an attribute matching this constant is found within a ConnectorObject, this indicates that the ConnectorObject represents a human being (actual or fictional) within the context of a specific system or application.

        Generally, an Account object records characteristics of a human user (such as loginName, password, user preferences or access privileges) that are relevant only to (or primarily to) a specific system or application.

      • GROUP

        public static final ObjectClass GROUP
        Represents a collection that contains an object (such as an account).

        When an attribute matching this constant is found within a ConnectorObject, this indicates that the ConnectorObject represents a group.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ObjectClass

        public ObjectClass​(String type)
        Create a custom object class.
        type - string representation for the name of the object class.
    • Method Detail

      • getObjectClassValue

        public String getObjectClassValue()
        Get the name of the object class. (For example, the name of ACCOUNT is the value defined by ACCOUNT_NAME, which is "__ACCOUNT__".)
      • getDisplayNameKey

        public String getDisplayNameKey()
        Convenience method to build the display name key for an object class.
        The display name key.
      • is

        public boolean is​(String name)
        Determines if the 'name' matches this ObjectClass.
        name - case-insensitive string representation of the ObjectClass's type.
        true if the case-insensitive name is equal to that of the one in this ObjectClass.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object