Class ObjectClassInfo

  • public final class ObjectClassInfo
    extends Object
    Definition of an object class.
    Will Droste
    • Constructor Detail

      • ObjectClassInfo

        public ObjectClassInfo​(String type,
                               Set<AttributeInfo> attrInfo,
                               boolean isContainer,
                               boolean isAuxiliary,
                               boolean isEmbedded)
        Public only for serialization; Use ObjectClassInfoBuilder instead.
        type - The name of the object class
        attrInfo - The attributes of the object class.
        isContainer - True if this can contain other object classes.
    • Method Detail

      • isContainer

        public boolean isContainer()
      • isAuxiliary

        public boolean isAuxiliary()
        Returns flag indicating whether this is a definition of auxiliary object class. Auxiliary object classes define additional characteristics of the object.
      • isEmbedded

        public boolean isEmbedded()
        If true, objects of this class are meant to be embedded in other objects. (They may or may not be queryable or updatable directly.) Currently, this information serves just as a hint for the client code. In the future, we may relax some of requirements on embedded objects, for example, they may not need to have the Name and/or Uid attributes.
      • getType

        public String getType()
      • is

        public boolean is​(String name)
        Determines if the 'name' matches this ObjectClassInfo.
        name - case-insensitive string representation of the ObjectClassInfo's type.
        true if the case insensitive type is equal to that of the one in this ObjectClassInfo.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object