Class SchemaApiOpTests

    • Constructor Detail

      • SchemaApiOpTests

        public SchemaApiOpTests()
    • Method Detail

      • testUidNotPresent

        public void testUidNotPresent()
        Tests that the schema doesn't contain Uid
      • testNamePresent

        public void testNamePresent()
        Tests that every object class contains Name among its attributes.
      • testOpSupportedByAllOClasses

        public void testOpSupportedByAllOClasses()
        Test ensures that following operations are supported by all object classes when supported at all: ScriptOnConnectorApiOp, ScriptOnResourceApiOp, TestApiOp, ValidateApiOp.
      • testSchemaExpected

        public void testSchemaExpected()
        Tests that returned schema by connector is the same as expected schema to be returned.