Class TstAbstractConnector

    • Constructor Detail

      • TstAbstractConnector

        public TstAbstractConnector()
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public Uid create​(ObjectClass objectClass,
                          Set<Attribute> createAttributes,
                          OperationOptions options)
        Description copied from interface: CreateOp
        The Connector developer is responsible for taking the attributes given (which always includes the ObjectClass) and create an object and its Uid. The Connector developer must return the Uid so that the caller can refer to the created object.

        *Note: There will never be a Uid passed in with the attribute set for this method. If the resource supports some sort of mutable Uid, you should create your own resource-specific attribute for it, such as unix_uid.

        Specified by:
        create in interface CreateOp
        objectClass - the type of object to create. Will never be null.
        createAttributes - includes all the attributes necessary to create the resource object including the ObjectClass attribute and Name attribute.
        options - additional options that impact the way this operation is run. If the caller passes null, the framework will convert this into an empty set of options, so SPI need not worry about this ever being null.
        the unique id for the object that is created. For instance in LDAP this would be the 'dn', for a database this would be the primary key, and for 'ActiveDirectory' this would be the GUID.
      • delete

        public void delete​(ObjectClass objectClass,
                           Uid uid,
                           OperationOptions options)
        Description copied from interface: DeleteOp
        The Connector developer is responsible for calling the native delete methods to remove the object specified by its unique id.
        Specified by:
        delete in interface DeleteOp
        objectClass - type of object to delete.
        uid - The unique id that specifies the object to delete.
        options - additional options that impact the way this operation is run. If the caller passes null, the framework will convert this into an empty set of options, so SPI need not worry about this ever being null.
      • createFilterTranslator

        public FilterTranslator<Filter> createFilterTranslator​(ObjectClass objectClass,
                                                               OperationOptions options)
        Description copied from interface: SearchOp
        Creates a filter translator that will translate a specified Filter into one or more native queries. Each of these native queries will be passed subsequently into executeQuery().
        Specified by:
        createFilterTranslator in interface SearchOp<Filter>
        objectClass - The object class for the search. Will never be null.
        options - additional options that impact the way this operation is run. If the caller passes null, the framework will convert this into an empty set of options, so SPI need not worry about this ever being null.
        A filter translator. This must not be null. A null return value will cause the API (SearchApiOp) to throw NullPointerException.
      • sync

        public void sync​(ObjectClass objectClass,
                         SyncToken token,
                         SyncResultsHandler handler,
                         OperationOptions options)
        Description copied from interface: SyncOp
        Request synchronization events--i.e., native changes to target objects.

        This method will call the specified handler once to pass back each matching synchronization event. Once this method returns, this method will no longer invoke the specified handler.

        Each synchronization event contains a token that can be used to resume reading events starting from that point in the event stream. In typical usage, a client will save the token from the final synchronization event that was received from one invocation of this sync() method and then pass that token into that client's next call to this sync() method. This allows a client to "pick up where he left off" in receiving synchronization events. However, a client can pass the token from any synchronization event into a subsequent invocation of this sync() method. This will return synchronization events (that represent native changes that occurred) immediately subsequent to the event from which the client obtained the token.

        A client that wants to read synchronization events "starting now" can call SyncOp.getLatestSyncToken(org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.ObjectClass) and then pass that token into this sync() method.

        Specified by:
        sync in interface SyncOp
        objectClass - The class of object for which to return synchronization events. Must not be null.
        token - The token representing the last token from the previous sync. The SyncResultsHandler will return any number of SyncDelta objects, each of which contains a token. Should be null if this is the client's first call to the sync() method for this connector.
        handler - The result handler. Must not be null.
        options - Options that affect the way this operation is run. If the caller passes null, the framework will convert this into an empty set of options, so an implementation need not guard against this being null.
      • getLatestSyncToken

        public SyncToken getLatestSyncToken​(ObjectClass objectClass)
        Description copied from interface: SyncOp
        Returns the token corresponding to the most recent synchronization event.

        An application that wants to receive synchronization events "starting now" --i.e., wants to receive only native changes that occur after this method is called-- should call this method and then pass the resulting token into the sync() method.

        Specified by:
        getLatestSyncToken in interface SyncOp
        objectClass - the class of object for which to find the most recent synchronization event (if any). Must not be null.
        A token if synchronization events exist; otherwise null.