Class AttributeInfo

  • public final class AttributeInfo
    extends Object
    AttributeInfo is meta data responsible for describing an Attribute. It can be programmatically determined at runtime or statically constructed. The class determines if an Attribute is required, readable, writable, or nullable. In also includes the native type and name. It is recommended that date fields be represented as a long with time zone UTC. It should be up to the display or separate attributes if the time zone is necessary.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        The name of the attribute. This the attribute name as it is known by the framework. It may be derived from the native attribute name. Or it may be one of the special names such as __NAME__ or __PASSWORD__.
        the name of the attribute its describing.
      • getType

        public Class<?> getType()
        The basic type associated with this attribute. All primitives are supported.
        the native type if uses.
      • getSubtype

        public String getSubtype()
        Optional subtype of the attribute. This defines a subformat or provides more specific definition what the attribute contains. E.g. it may define that the attribute contains case-insensitive string, URL, LDAP distinguished name and so on. The subtype may contain one of the pre-defined subtypes (a value form the Subtype enumeration). The subtype may also contain an URI that specifies a custom subtype that the connector recognizes and it is not defined in the pre-defined subtype enumeration. For ConnectorObjectReference attributes, the subtype - if present - contains the connector-wide identification of the reference. This is important especially for bi-directional relations (like the group membership), where the client might be interested that the reference attribute (e.g.) group on the user object is bound to the reference attribute (e.g.) member on the group object. This feature is optional: the subtype may be missing for a reference attribute.
        attribute subtype.
      • getNativeName

        public String getNativeName()
        The native name of the attribute. This is the attribute name as it is known by the resource. It is especially useful for attributes with special names such as __NAME__ or __PASSWORD__. In this case the nativeName will contain the real name of the attribute. The nativeName may be null. In such a case it is assumed that the native name is the same as name.
        the native name of the attribute its describing.
      • getFlags

        public Set<AttributeInfo.Flags> getFlags()
        Returns the set of flags associated with the attribute.
        the set of flags associated with the attribute
      • isReadable

        public boolean isReadable()
        Determines if the attribute is readable.
        true if the attribute is readable else false.
      • isCreateable

        public boolean isCreateable()
        Determines if the attribute is writable on create.
        true if the attribute is writable on create else false.
      • isUpdateable

        public boolean isUpdateable()
        Determines if the attribute is writable on update.
        true if the attribute is writable on update else false.
      • isRequired

        public boolean isRequired()
        Determines whether this attribute is required for creates.
        true if the attribute is required for an object else false.
      • isMultiValued

        public boolean isMultiValued()
        Determines if this attribute can handle multiple values. There is a special case with byte[] since in most instances this denotes a single object.
        true if the attribute is multi-value otherwise false.
      • isReturnedByDefault

        public boolean isReturnedByDefault()
        Determines if the attribute is returned by default. Indicates if an Attribute will be returned during SearchApiOp, SyncApiOp or GetApiOp inside a ConnectorObject by default. The default value is true.
        false if the attribute should not be returned by default.
      • getReferencedObjectClassName

        public String getReferencedObjectClassName()
        For reference attributes, this method returns the object class of referenced objects. It is optional: the connector may not have this information, or sometimes, there may be more than a single object class that can be referenced by the attribute. (For example, member attribute on the group object can reference accounts, groups, and other kinds of objects.)
      • getRoleInReference

        public String getRoleInReference()
        For reference attributes, this method provides an indication of the role the holding object plays in the reference. The standard roles are described in AttributeInfo.RoleInReference enumeration. May be null if not known or not supported.
      • isReference

        public boolean isReference()
      • is

        public boolean is​(String name)
        Determines if the name parameter matches this AttributeInfo.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object