Class ConnectorObjectReference

  • public class ConnectorObjectReference
    extends Object
    Reference to a connector object. It may contain the identifier/identifiers only (e.g. Uid, Name, or other attributes), or it may contain the whole object, fetched partially or fully. Typical use case: A user in Active Directory has a multivalued reference attribute group that points to groups the user is a member of. The attribute is similar to memberOf attribute, but instead of holding string DNs of the groups, it holds these references as ConnectorObjectReferences (which may contain DNs, UUIDs, or even partially or fully fetched group objects, depending on the situation). Other use cases: Until ConnId supports structured (complex) attributes, the reference attributes provide an alternative solution. The complex values of such attributes are represented by embedded connector objects. For example, HR system can model contracts of a person as a multivalued reference attribute contract on object class person that contains objects of the object class contract. These objects are provided by value, i.e., being embedded right in the references.
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • hasObject

        public boolean hasObject()
        True if the object is present. False if only the identifiers are.
      • getValue

        public BaseConnectorObject getValue()
        Returns the value of the reference (the referenced object or its identification)