Class APIConfigurationImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • APIConfigurationImpl

        public APIConfigurationImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • setConnectorPoolingSupported

        public void setConnectorPoolingSupported​(boolean supported)
      • setSupportedOperations

        public void setSupportedOperations​(Set<Class<? extends APIOperation>> op)
      • isSupportedOperation

        public boolean isSupportedOperation​(Class<? extends APIOperation> api)
      • getTimeout

        public int getTimeout​(Class<? extends APIOperation> operation)
        Gets the timeout in milliseconds based on the operation provided.
        Specified by:
        getTimeout in interface APIConfiguration
        operation - particular operation to get a timeout for.
        milliseconds to wait for an operation to complete before throwing an error.
      • setTimeout

        public void setTimeout​(Class<? extends APIOperation> operation,
                               int timeout)
        Sets the timeout value for the operation provided.
        Specified by:
        setTimeout in interface APIConfiguration
        operation - particular operation that requires a timeout.
        timeout - milliseconds that the operation will wait in order to complete. Values less than or equal to zero are considered to disable the timeout property.
      • setProducerBufferSize

        public void setProducerBufferSize​(int size)
        Sets the size of the buffer for Connector the support SearchOp and what the results of the producer buffered.
        Specified by:
        setProducerBufferSize in interface APIConfiguration
        size - default is 100, if size is set to zero or less will disable buffering.
      • setInstanceName

        public void setInstanceName​(String instanceName)
        Set name of the instance that this facade represents. The name should represent the system that the connector connects to. This is also known as "resource" name, "connector instance" name, "target system" name, etc. The name will be used mostly for diagnostic purposes, e.g. it will may be included in log messages to distinguish individual instances of the same connector.
        Specified by:
        setInstanceName in interface APIConfiguration
        instanceName - Name of the instance that this facade represents.
      • getInstanceName

        public String getInstanceName()