Class AttributeBuilder

  • public final class AttributeBuilder
    extends Object
    Simplifies constructing instances of Attribute. A Connector developer does not need to implement the Attribute interface. The builder returns an instance of an implementation of Attribute that overrides the methods equals(), hashcode() and toString() to provide a uniform and robust class. This implementation is backed by an ArrayList that contains the values and preserves the order of those values (in case the order of values is significant to the target system or application).
    Will Droste
    • Constructor Detail

      • AttributeBuilder

        public AttributeBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • build

        public static Attribute build​(String name)
        Creates a attribute with the specified name and a null value.
        name - unique name of the attribute.
        instance of Attribute with a null value.
      • build

        public static Attribute build​(String name,
                                      Object... args)
        Creates an Attribute with the name and the values provided.
        name - unique name of the attribute.
        args - variable number of arguments that are used as values for the attribute.
        instance of Attribute with the specified name and a value that includes the arguments provided.
      • build

        public static Attribute build​(String name,
                                      Collection<?> obj)
        Creates an Attribute with the name and the values provided.
        name - unique name of the attribute.
        obj - a collection of objects that are used as values for the attribute.
        instance of Attribute with the specified name and a value that includes the arguments provided.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Get the name of the attribute that is being built.
        The name of the attribute.
      • getValue

        public List<Object> getValue()
        Return any current value of the attribute that is being built.
        any current value of the attribute that is being built.
      • addValue

        public AttributeBuilder addValue​(Object... objs)
        Add each of the specified objects as a values for the attribute that is being built.
        objs - the values to add
        NullPointerException - if any of the values is null.
      • addValue

        public AttributeBuilder addValue​(Collection<?> obj)
        Adds each object in the collection as a value for the attribute that is being built.
        obj - the values to add
        NullPointerException - if any of the values is null.
      • build

        public Attribute build()
        a new attribute with the name and any values that have been provided to the builder.
        IllegalArgumentException - if no name has been provided.
      • setAttributeValueCompleteness

        public void setAttributeValueCompleteness​(AttributeValueCompleteness attributeValueCompleteness)
      • buildPassword

        public static Attribute buildPassword​(char[] password)
        Builds an operational attribute that represents the password of an object on a target system or application.

        The caller is responsible for clearing out the array of characters.

        password - the characters that represent a password.
        an Attribute with the predefined name for password.
      • buildCurrentPassword

        public static Attribute buildCurrentPassword​(GuardedString password)
        Builds an operational attribute that represents the current password of an object on a target system or application.

        Passing the current password indicates the account owner (and not an administrator) is changing the password. The use case is that an administrator password change may not keep history or validate against policy.

        password - the string that represents a password.
        an Attribute with the predefined name for current password.
      • buildCurrentPassword

        public static Attribute buildCurrentPassword​(char[] password)
        Builds an operational attribute that represents the current password of an object on a target system or application.

        Passing the current password indicates the account owner (and not an administrator) is changing the password. The use case is that an administrator password change may not keep history or validate against policy.

        The caller is responsible for clearing out the array of characters.

        password - the characters that represent a password.
        an Attribute with the predefined name for current password.
      • buildEnabled

        public static Attribute buildEnabled​(boolean value)
        Builds an operational attribute that represents whether object is enabled on a target system or application.
        • Use this attribute with CreateApiOp or UpdateApiOp to enable or disable an object.
        • Read this attribute from GetApiOp to determine whether an object currently is enabled or disabled.
        • Use this attribute with SearchApiOp to select objects that are enabled or to select objects that are disabled.
        value - true indicates the object is enabled; otherwise false.
        an Attribute with the predefined name for enabled.
      • buildEnableDate

        public static Attribute buildEnableDate​(Date date)
        Builds an operational attribute that represents the date and time to enable an object on a target system or application.
        • Use this attribute with CreateApiOp or UpdateApiOp to set a date and time to enable an object.
        • Read this attribute from GetApiOp to determine when an object will be enabled.
        • Use this attribute with SearchApiOp to select objects that are scheduled to be enabled at a certain date and time.
        date - The date and time to enable a particular object.
        an Attribute with the predefined name for enable date.
      • buildEnableDate

        public static Attribute buildEnableDate​(long date)
        Builds an operational attribute that represents the date and time to enable an object on a target system or application. The date-and-time parameter is UTC in milliseconds.
        • Use this attribute with CreateApiOp or UpdateApiOp to set a date and time to enable an object.
        • Read this attribute from GetApiOp to determine when an object will be enabled.
        • Use this attribute with SearchApiOp to select objects that are scheduled to be enabled at a certain date and time.
        date - The date and time (UTC in milliseconds) to enable a particular object.
        an Attribute with the predefined name for enable date.
      • buildDisableDate

        public static Attribute buildDisableDate​(Date date)
        Builds an operational attribute that represents the date and time to disable an object on a target system or application.
        • Use this attribute with CreateApiOp or UpdateApiOp to set a date and time to disable an object.
        • Read this attribute from GetApiOp to determine when an object will be disabled.
        • Use this attribute with SearchApiOp to select objects that are scheduled to be disabled at a certain date and time.
        date - The date and time to disable a particular object.
        an Attribute with the predefined name for disable date.
      • buildDisableDate

        public static Attribute buildDisableDate​(long date)
        Builds an operational attribute that represents the date and time to disable an object on a target system or application. The date-and-time parameter is UTC in milliseconds.
        • Use this attribute with CreateApiOp or UpdateApiOp to set a date and time to disable an object.
        • Read this attribute from GetApiOp to determine when an object will be disabled.
        • Use this attribute with SearchApiOp to select objects that are scheduled to be disabled at a certain date and time.
        date - The date and time (UTC in milliseconds) to disable a particular object.
        an Attribute with the predefined name for disable date.
      • buildLockOut

        public static Attribute buildLockOut​(boolean lock)
        Builds an operational attribute that represents whether an object is locked out on a target system or application.
        • Read this attribute from GetApiOp to determine whether an object is currently locked out.
        • Use this attribute with UpdateApiOp to clear the lock-out status of an object (or to set the lock-out status of an object).
        • Use this attribute with SearchApiOp to select objects that are currently locked out (or to select objects that are not currently locked out).
        lock - true if the object is locked out; otherwise false.
        an Attribute with the predefined name for lockout state.
      • buildPasswordExpired

        public static Attribute buildPasswordExpired​(boolean value)
        Builds an operational attribute that represents whether the password of an object is expired on a target system or application.
        • Read this attribute from GetApiOp to determine whether the password of an object is currently expired.
        • Use this attribute with UpdateApiOp to expire the password of an object (or to clear the expired status of the password of an object).
        • Use this attribute with SearchApiOp to select objects that have passwords that are currently expired (or to select objects that have passwords that are not currently expired).
        value - from the API true expires and from the SPI its shows its either expired or not.
        an Attribute with the predefined name for password expiration state.
      • buildLastLoginDate

        public static Attribute buildLastLoginDate​(long date)
        Builds an pre-defined attribute that represents the date and time of the most recent login for an object (such as an account) on a target system or application.

        The time parameter is UTC in milliseconds.

        date - The date and time (UTC in milliseconds) of the last login.
        an Attribute with the predefined name for password expiration state.
      • buildLastPasswordChangeDate

        public static Attribute buildLastPasswordChangeDate​(Date date)
        Builds an pre-defined attribute that represents the date and time that the password was most recently changed for an object (such as an account) on a target system or application.
        date - The date and time that the password was most recently changed.
        an Attribute with the predefined name for password expiration state.
      • buildLastPasswordChangeDate

        public static Attribute buildLastPasswordChangeDate​(long date)
        Builds an pre-defined attribute that represents the date and time that the password was most recently changed for an object (such as an account) on a target system or application.

        The time parameter is UTC in milliseconds.

        date - The date and time that the password was most recently changed.
        an Attribute with the predefined name for password expiration state.
      • buildPasswordChangeInterval

        public static Attribute buildPasswordChangeInterval​(long value)
        Builds an pre-defined attribute that represents how often the password must be changed for an object (such as an account) on a target system or application.

        The value for this attribute is expressed in milliseconds.

        value - The number of milliseconds between the time that the password was most recently changed and the time when the password must be changed again.
        an Attribute with the predefined name for password expiration state.