Interface ObjectDecoder

All Known Implementing Classes:
BinaryObjectDecoder, XmlObjectDecoder

public interface ObjectDecoder
Interface to abstract away the difference between deserializing xml and binary
  • Method Details

    • readObjectField

      Object readObjectField(String fieldName, Class<?> expectedType, Object dflt)
      Reads an object using the appropriate serializer for that object
      fieldName - A hint of the field name. Ignored for binary serialization. The subelement name for xml serialization
    • readBooleanField

      boolean readBooleanField(String fieldName, boolean dflt)
      Reads a boolean.
      fieldName - A hint of the field name. Ignored for binary serialization. The attribute name for xml serialization
    • readIntField

      int readIntField(String fieldName, int dflt)
      Reads an int.
      fieldName - A hint of the field name. Ignored for binary serialization. The attribute name for xml serialization
    • readLongField

      long readLongField(String fieldName, long dflt)
      Reads a long.
      fieldName - A hint of the field name. Ignored for binary serialization. The attribute name for xml serialization
    • readFloatField

      float readFloatField(String fieldName, float dflt)
      Reads a float.
      fieldName - A hint of the field name. Ignored for binary serialization. The attribute name for xml serialization
    • readClassField

      Class<?> readClassField(String fieldName, Class<?> dflt)
      Reads a Class.
      fieldName - A hint of the field name. Ignored for binary serialization. The attribute name for xml serialization
    • readStringField

      String readStringField(String fieldName, String dflt)
      Reads a String.
      fieldName - A hint of the field name. Ignored for binary serialization. The attribute name for xml serialization
    • readDoubleField

      double readDoubleField(String fieldName, double dflt)
      Reads a double.
      fieldName - A hint of the field name. Ignored for binary serialization. The attribute name for xml serialization
    • readStringContents

      String readStringContents()
      Reads the value in-line.
    • readBooleanContents

      boolean readBooleanContents()
      Reads the value in-line.
    • readIntContents

      int readIntContents()
      Reads the value in-line.
    • readLongContents

      long readLongContents()
      reads the value in-line.
    • readFloatContents

      float readFloatContents()
      Reads the value in-line.
    • readDoubleContents

      double readDoubleContents()
      reads the value in-line.
    • readByteContents

      byte readByteContents()
      reads the value in-line.
    • readByteArrayContents

      byte[] readByteArrayContents()
      reads the value in-line.
    • readClassContents

      Class<?> readClassContents()
      reads the value in-line.
    • getNumSubObjects

      int getNumSubObjects()
      Returns the number of anonymous sub-objects.
    • readObjectContents

      Object readObjectContents(int index)
      Reads a sub-object