Class ScriptContext

    • Constructor Detail

      • ScriptContext

        public ScriptContext​(String scriptLanguage,
                             String scriptText,
                             Map<String,​Object> scriptArguments)
        Public only for serialization; please use ScriptContextBuilder.
        scriptLanguage - The script language. Must not be null.
        scriptText - The script text. Must not be null.
        scriptArguments - The script arguments. May be null.
    • Method Detail

      • getScriptLanguage

        public String getScriptLanguage()
        Identifies the language in which the script is written (e.g., bash, csh, Perl4 or Python).
        The script language.
      • getScriptText

        public String getScriptText()
        Returns the text (i.e., actual characters) of the script.
        The text of the script.
      • getScriptArguments

        public Map<String,​Object> getScriptArguments()
        Returns a map of arguments to be passed to the script. Values must be types that the framework can serialize. See ObjectSerializerFactory for a list of supported types.
        A map of arguments to be passed to the script.