Class Random

  • public class Random
    extends Lazy

    Generate random strings based on given pattern

    This is a Helper class, users of tests will access methods: Lazy.random(Object) and Lazy.get(Object))

    Zdenek Louzensky
    • Constructor Detail

      • Random

        protected Random​(Object pattern)
        Creates a random string based on given pattern.
        pattern - format of pattern
      • Random

        protected Random​(Object pattern,
                         Class<?> clazz)
        Creates a random object of given type
        pattern -
        clazz - the class that will be the type of generated object
    • Method Detail

      • generate

        public Object generate()
        create a random value, that is created once. However further queries will return the same random value.
      • getClazz

        public Class<?> getClazz()
        the type of generated random class