Class GroovyDataProvider

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class GroovyDataProvider
    extends Object
    implements DataProvider

    Default implementation of DataProvider. It uses ConfigSlurper from Groovy to parse the property file. The groovy files are read as classpath resources using following paths :

    • loader.getResource(prefix + "/config/config.groovy")
    • loader.getResource(prefix + "/config/" + cfg + "/config.groovy") optionally where cfg is passed configuration
    • loader.getResource(prefix + "/config-private/config.groovy")
    • loader.getResource(prefix + "/config-private/" + cfg + "/config.groovy") optionally where cfg is passed configuration
    where prefix is FQN of your connector set as "connectorName" system property. Note: If two property files contain the same property name, the value from the latter file the list overrides the others. I.e. the last file from the list has the greatest chance to propagate its values to the final configuration.

    Lazy.random("####") is used for generating random strings, in case numeric object is needed, use for instance Lazy.random("####", Long.class) to get a Long object with random value.

    Snapshot generation to output file -- this feature is implemented by method flatten(Object). Snapshot generating works in one direction, but the snapshot itself cannot be directly used as an input to next testing.

    Snapshots -- usage: add switch as an ANT parameter. The result snapshot file will be included in the connector's directory.

    Note: snapshots for now support basic types such as Lazy, String. Other objects will be converted with toString() method to the output.

    Snapshots of queried properties -- usage: add switch as an ANT parameter. The result snapshot file will be included in the connector's directory.

    default values -- these values reside in file bootstrap.groovy. When the property is queried the following queries are executed:

     3) boo
    In case none of these queries succeed, the default value is used based on the type of the query.

    isMultivalue boolean property -- is passed in get(...) methods of GroovyDataProvider. It has influence on default values generated, when property is missing.

    David Adam, Zdenek Louzensky
    • Constructor Detail

      • GroovyDataProvider

        public GroovyDataProvider()
        default constructor
      • GroovyDataProvider

        public GroovyDataProvider​(String connectorName)
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public Object get​(String name,
                          String type,
                          boolean useDefault)
        Main get method. Property lookup starts here.
      • get

        public Object get​(Class<?> dataTypeName,
                          String name,
                          String componentName,
                          int sequenceNumber,
                          boolean isMultivalue)
        Gets data value by the specified parameters
        Specified by:
        get in interface DataProvider
        isMultivalue - switch between single and multivalue query
      • getString

        public String getString​(String name,
                                String componentName,
                                int sequenceNumber)
        Gets data value by the specified parameters
        Specified by:
        getString in interface DataProvider
      • generate

        public Object generate​(String pattern,
                               Class<?> clazz)

        Random generator uses a pattern to generate a random sequence based on given pattern.

        the supported characters are (can appear in pattern string):

        • # - numeric
        • a - lowercase letter
        • A - uppercase letter
        • ? - lowercase and uppercase letter
        • . - any character

        Any other character inside the pattern is directly printed to the output.

        Backslash is used to escape any character. For instance pattern "###\\.##" prints a floating point random number

        Specified by:
        generate in interface DataProvider
        pattern - the pattern for generation
        clazz - the type of returned random object
        randomly generated object with content based on given type.
      • get

        public Object get​(String name,
                          int sequenceNumber)
        Aquire a property value marked with given iteration, for example i1.testProperty
        Specified by:
        get in interface DataProvider
        name - the suffix
        the property value
      • getAttributeSet

        public Set<Attribute> getAttributeSet​(String propertySetName)
        Description copied from interface: DataProvider
        converts the given property submap to Attribute set.
        Specified by:
        getAttributeSet in interface DataProvider
        propertySetName -
        The set Set<Attribute> of attributes
      • loadConfiguration

        public void loadConfiguration​(String configName,
                                      Configuration cfg)
        Description copied from interface: DataProvider
        adds to 'cfg' the complete map defined by property 'propertyName'
        Specified by:
        loadConfiguration in interface DataProvider
        configName -
        cfg - the configuration that will be updated by information from property 'propertyName'

        Sample usage:

             static final String DEFAULT_CONFIGURATINON = "configuration.init"
             // attempt to create the database in the directory..
             config = new ConnectorConfiguration();
             // LOAD THE submap in 'configuration' prefix to 'config' object.
             dataProvider.loadConfiguration(DEFAULT_CONFIGURATINON, config);
         //////// The groovy configuration
             // account configurations
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Description copied from interface: DataProvider
        free the allocated resources
        Specified by:
        dispose in interface DataProvider