Class XmlUtil

  • public final class XmlUtil
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • getAttribute

        public static String getAttribute​(Element e,
                                          String name)
        Return the value of an attribute on an element.

        The DOM getAttribute method returns an empty string if the attribute doesn't exist. Here, we detect this and return null.

      • findImmediateChildElement

        public static Element findImmediateChildElement​(Node node,
                                                        String name)
        Find an immediate child of the given name
      • getFirstChildElement

        public static Element getFirstChildElement​(Node node)
        Returns the First child element or null if none found
        node - The node. May be null.
        the First child element or null if none found
      • getNextElement

        public static Element getNextElement​(Node node)
        Get the next right sibling that is an element.
      • getContent

        public static String getContent​(Element e)
        Return the content of the given element.

        We will descend to an arbitrary depth looking for the first text node.

        Note that the parser may break what was originally a single string of pcdata into multiple adjacent text nodes. Xerces appears to do this when it encounters a '$' in the text, not sure if there is specified behavior, or if its parser specific.

        Here, we will congeal adjacent text nodes.

        We will NOT ignore text nodes that have only whitespace.

      • escape

        public static void escape​(StringBuilder b,
                                  String s,
                                  char delim)
        Escapes the given string and appends to the given buffer
        b - The buffer
        s - The script to be escaped. May be null.
        delim - May be SINGLE_QUOTE, DOUBLE_QUOTE, or NO_DELIM.